Global Weather Forecast API
Global Weather Forecast API offers a wide range of data, including current conditions, hourly forecasts, daily forecasts, extended forecasts, weather alerts, radar and satellite data, wind speed, precipitation chances, and more.
In general, an API for weather forecasts allows developers to access and retrieve weather predictions programmatically. By doing so, they can get accurate and up-to-date weather information for specific locations, making it possible to integrate weather forecasts into various applications, websites, and services.
Spire's API offers a maximum 15-day forecast with hourly resolution, thanks to their advanced numerical weather prediction models, ensemble forecasts, and integration of multiple data sources to improve forecast accuracy. The update frequency of weather forecast data varies depending on the API and the type of forecast being provided.
With Spire's constellation of satellites, their API enables weather forecasts for any location on Earth. However, it's essential to be aware that API providers may have usage limits or pricing structures based on factors such as the number of requests made, data retrieval, or the level of service required (e.g., free tier or paid subscription).
Some general information for the Global Weather Forecast API:
APIs | Data |
Global weather forecast API | • All forecast variable bundles include weather forecasts and historical data sets with gridded 12 km resolution data • Delivery in multiple formats based on your specific needs. • Plug and play weather data via our easy-to-use APIs • Fuel your models, optimize operations, and drive profitability • WMS visualization capability is available for specific weather forecast variables |
Probabilistic weather forecast API | Quantify the risk of an event happening. By providing probabilities of different surface temperature and precipitation thresholds (such as the probability of freezing temperatures or the probability of over 25 mm of rain), you can make data-driven decisions to optimize asset utilization and operational efficiency. |
Point-optimized weather forecast API | Spire’s hyper-localized weather forecast to learn the weather patterns in a specific area and is combined with machine learning techniques based on actual weather sensor readings to create a tailored and accurate forecast for the exact site. |
Weather forecast by Route | Spire’s Weather by Route will provide you with a weather forecast for all the pre-selected waypoints on your specific trajectory over the course of fifteen days. |
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Key features
Collected from Spire's constellation of 100+ satellites
Data delivered in multiple formats based on your needs
Enriched by proprietary AI-based algorithms
Includes global weather forecasts and historical data sets with gridded 12 km resolution data
Key applications

Demand forecasting
Energy Trading
Maintenance and Asset Management
Demand forecasting
Energy Trading
Maintenance and Asset Management

Crop Yield Analysis
Risk Assessment and Insurance
Climate Change Studies
Crop Yield Analysis
Risk Assessment and Insurance
Climate Change Studies

Vessel Routing and Navigation
Port Operations and Planning
Climate and Environmental Research
Vessel Routing and Navigation
Port Operations and Planning
Climate and Environmental Research
A weather forecast API is an application programming interface that allows developers to access and retrieve weather forecast data programmatically. It provides up-to-date and accurate weather predictions for specific locations, enabling the integration of weather forecasts into various applications, websites, and services.
Weather forecast APIs offer a wide range of data, including current conditions, hourly forecasts, daily forecasts, extended forecasts, weather alerts, radar and satellite data, wind speed, precipitation chances, and more.
The update frequency of weather forecast data depends on the API being used and the type of forecast data being offered. Spire offers a maximum of a 15 day forecast looking ahead at an hourly resolution.
The accuracy of weather forecast APIs depends on the data sources, models, and algorithms used by the API provider. Spire uses advanced numerical weather prediction models, ensemble forecasts, and assimilation of multiple data sources to improve forecast accuracy. It’s important to check Spire’s documentation to understand the level of accuracy offered in comparison to publicly available data sources.
Thanks to its constellation of satellites, Spire allows you to get a weather forecast for any location on Earth.
API providers may have usage limits or pricing structures based on factors such as the number of requests made, the amount of data retrieved, or the level of service required (e.g., free tier, paid subscription). It’s crucial to review Spire's pricing and usage policies to understand any potential cost implications or restrictions for your intended usage of the weather forecast API.
Integrating a weather forecast API into an application typically involves making HTTP requests to the API endpoints, specifying the desired location, forecast parameters, and data format. Spire offers documentation and code examples to guide developers on how to authenticate, make requests, and handle responses in their specific programming language or framework.